Library holdings and catalogs

Holdings of the Faculty Library of Informatics
Search for the library holdings of the Faculty Library of Informatics in the KIT catalog
Search in the holdings of the Faculty Library of Informatics: In the search window, go to menu "Location and availability" and select "Fachbibliothek Informatik".
Search in the holdings of the ZAR (Applied Law Library): In the search window, go to the menu "Location and availability" and select "ZAR".
Holdings of the KIT Library
- KIT Catalog
Here you will find all media that are available in print or electronically at the KIT library locations (over 1.2 million media) - Articles & Papers
In this catalog you will find over 100 million media from the Central Discovery Index. You will mainly find articles and papers from journals, proceedings and other publications. - KITopen catalog
The catalog of the KITopen repository contains the publications (books, articles, lectures, etc.) of KIT scientists. In addition to the bibliographic information, you will also find the freely accessible full text of some of the publications. - Search in subject areas
Thematic search for media in the holdings of the KIT library. You can find media in the field of computer science here
Regional and national library collections
- Online catalog of the Badische Landesbibliothek
In this catalog you can search the holdings of the Badische Landesbibliothek (almost 3 million media). - Karlsruhe Library Portal
The library portal is a meta-search engine. You can search the holdings of Karlsruhe's major libraries (Badische Landesbibliothek, KIT-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe, etc.) with a single search query. - KVK - Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog
The KVK is a meta search engine. With a search query you can search in library and book trade catalogs worldwide with holdings of several hundred million media.