Multi-Scale Computing Systems
The application areas of computing systems range from embedded systems, personal mobile devices, desktops to high-end servers (warehouse-scale computing, massively parallel supercomputers). Embedded systems are connected via the Internet-of-Things (IoT) or form Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), for example in industrial automation.
With the Multi-Scale Computing Systems degree profile, students acquire the skills to deploy, build, program, and design computing systems that meet the demands of a connected world.
German name: Multi-scale Computing Systems
Designated Speaker / Deputy Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Karl / Prof. Frank Bellosa
Special competencies acquired in the profile:
- Graduates know the technologies underlying multi-scale computing systems and can analyze and evaluate them.
- Graduates are able to design and evaluate multi-scale computing systems in an engineering manner and to consider a reasonable interaction of hardware and software.
- Graduates are proficient in the underlying operational principles for deployment and programming, such as parallel processing, heterogeneity, reconfigurability and adaptivity, and virtualization.
- Master thesis from the subject area of the study profile.
- The root module Rechnerstrukturen must be taken. If the root module has already been examined in the Bachelor's degree, more CP from the event list must be taken.
- Modules of at least 21 CP from the list of courses.
- Complementary subject Elektro- und Informationstechnik to the extent of 18 LP.
- A total of at least 45 LP from 2.-4. must be completed.
V=Vorlesung (Lecture), S=Seminar (Seminar), P=Praktikum (Practical course), Ü=Übung (Practice)
Compulsory block | Course | Module | Partial Achievement | CP | Course type |
Rechnerstrukturen (root module) | M-INFO-100818 | T-INFO-101355 | 6 | V | |
List of courses (at least 15 CP) | Course | Module | Partial Achievement | CP | Course type |
Entwurf und Architekturen für Eingebettete Systeme (ES2) | M-INFO-100831 | T-INFO-101368 | 3 | V | |
Heterogene parallele Rechensysteme | M-INFO-100822 | T-INFO-101359 | 3 | V | |
Low Power Design | M-INFO-100807 | T-INFO-101344 | 3 | V | |
Optimierung und Synthese Eingebetteter Systeme (ES1) | M-INFO-100830 | T-INFO-101367 | 3 | V | |
Praktikum: Circuit Design with Intel Galileo | M-INFO-102353 | T-INFO-105580 | 3 | P | |
Praktikum: Digital Design & Test Automation Flow | M-INFO-102570 | T-INFO-105565 | 3 | P | |
Praktikum: Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme | M-INFO-103808 | T-INFO-107689 | 3 | P | |
Praktikum: FPGA Programming | M-INFO-102661 | T-INFO-105576 | 3 | P | |
Praktikum: Internet of Things | M-INFO-103706 | T-INFO-107493 | 4 | P | |
Praktikum: Power Management | M-INFO-101542 | T-INFO-102958 | 3 | P | |
Power Management | M-INFO-100804 | T-INFO-101341 | 3 | V | |
Rekonfigurierbare und Adaptive Systeme | M-INFO-100721 | T-INFO-101258 | 3 | V | |
Reliable Computing I | M-INFO-100850 | T-INFO-101387 | 3 | V | |
Softwarepraktikum Parallele Numerik | M-INFO-102998 | T-INFO-105988 | 4 | P | |
Seminar: Ausgewählte Kapitel der Rechnerarchitektur | M-INFO-103062 | T-INFO-108313 | 3 | S | |
Testing Digital Systems I | M-INFO-100851 | T-INFO-101388 | 3 | V | |
Testing Digital Systems II | M-INFO-102962 | T-INFO-105936 | 3 | V | |
Virtuelle Systeme | M-INFO-100867 | T-INFO-101612 | 3 | V |