Planning the first semesters


  • what are my O exams
    • Informatics
      • Programmieren*
      • Grundbegriffe der Informatik*
      • Lineare Algebra 1*
    • Information Systems
      • Programmieren*
      • Wirtschaftsinformatik 1
      • Mathematik 1*
    • Informatics Teacher Education
      • Programmieren*
      • Grundbegriffe der Informatik*


* This module has a compulsory practice certificate. In order to complete this, you must be registered for a tutorial. Further information can be found in the module handbooks (see below) and in the ISS-FAQ.


  • The remaining information can be found in the planning of the current semester
  • Which deadlines do I have to observe and which modules are compulsory?
  • The study plan below can be used to actively structure your studies
Planning the current semester


Further studies

Structuring one's own studies:

The following tables are an offer to structure your planning and to keep an overview. Please always compare these documents with the latest version of the Modulhandbuch and the Campus Management for Students (CAS). In case of disparity, the information in the Modulhandbuch and CAS always applies.

Study plan - Informatics SPO22

PDF: SPO22_Informatik_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.pdf
Excel: SPO22_Informatik_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.xlsx
The Excel file is compatible with Microsoft Excel (version 16-19) and LibreOffice Calc (with slight graphic errors).

Study plan - Informatics SPO15

PDF: SPO15_Informatik_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.pdf
Excel: SPO15_Informatik_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.xlsx
The Excel file is compatible with Microsoft Excel (version 16-19) and LibreOffice Calc (with slight graphic errors).

Study plan - Information Systems

PDF: SPO19_WInfo_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.pdf
Excel: SPO19_WInfo_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.xlsx
The Excel file is compatible with Microsoft Excel (version 16-19) and LibreOffice Calc (with slight graphic errors).

Study plan - Informatics Teacher Education

PDF: Informatics with 2nd subject - SPO16_Lehramt_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.pdf
          Informatics with mathematics - SPO16_Info-Mathe-Lehramt_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.pdf
Excel: SPO16_Lehramt_Uebersicht_Studienplanung.xlsx
The Excel file is compatible with Microsoft Excel (version 16-19) and LibreOffice Calc (with slight graphic errors).



What effort is recommended during the semester:

Lectures: Frontal lecture by the lecturer (usually professor) who presents the contents of the module. Mostly illustrated with the help of a Power Point presentation or other means. To lectures there are actually always at least the slides, often also a script. In most cases, no registration is necessary, and attendance is not compulsory.
Exercises and exercise certificates

Exercises: Review and supplementation of the lecture material based on examples by the instructor (usually doctoral students of the professor). No registration necessary, no compulsory attendance. In most cases, solutions of the exercise sheets to the exercises are discussed.

Tip: It is also advisable to use non-compulsory exercise certificates, as this ensures continuous work on the material, which demonstrably leads to higher learning and examination success. It should be ensured that the entire exercise certificate is worked on and not just the sheets at the beginning of the semester when you still have the time for it.

Tutorials: Review of the material and work on exercises in small groups, supervised by a tutor who is himself a student in the higher semester. Attendance is recommended, as this is the best place to ask questions. In some modules, attendance is compulsory in the tutorial. Registration is usually done online.

Tip: Tutorials are offered for most courses. Since these are the best opportunity to ask specific questions and to exchange ideas with fellow students who already know the subject, it is recommended to attend tutorials conscientiously. If you cannot attend a tutorial, it is usually no problem to drop in at another date or another tutor.
MINT courses

It is not without reason that the MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg offers semester-long courses on various subjects. These courses are based on the material of the lecture and work on it in a comprehensible way using small exercises. In addition, you have the opportunity to ask specific questions to the MINT lecturers, since the material is taught in smaller groups.

Tip: Who has not registered, just try it anyway directly with an e-mail to info∂

"I participated in the MINT-Kollegs semester-long Linear Algebra course and also in the MINT-Kollegs advanced course for the Linear Algebra 1 exam [...]. I passed all orientation exams, i.e. Programmieren, Grundbegriffe der Informatik and Linear Algebra 1." – WS2018/19 Informatics-Newcomer at the KIT




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