Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR)
Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL)
Institute for Information and Economic Law (IIWR)
Research Group | Contact |
IIWR-Boehm |
Informationsrecht für technische Systeme und Rechtsinformatik |
Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD)
Research Group | Contact | |
Methods for Big Data | Prof. Dr. Nadja Klein | |
Prof. Dr. Anne Koziolek | ||
Institute of Telematics (TM)
Research Group | Contact |
Decentralized Systems and Network Services | Prof. Dr. Hannes Hartenstein |
Artificial Intelligence for the Energy System |
Affiliated Professors
Research Group | Contact | Institute |
Intelligent Production und Cloud-Robotics
Institut für Anthropomatik und Robotik |
Institut für Anthropomatik und Robotik | ||
Computer and Communication Networks | Prof. Dr. Oliver Waldhorst |
Institut für Telematik |
Emeriti and retired Professors
Research Group | Contact | Institute |
Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab |
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Dillmann |
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics |
IIWR Dreier | Prof. Dr. Thomas Dreier KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow |
Institute for Information and Economic Law |
Institute of Computer Engineering
Rechnersysteme und Infrastruktur der Informationsverarbeitung | Prof. Dr. Wilfried Juling |
Institute of Telematics / Scientific Computing Center (SCC) |
Systems of Information Management | Prof. Dr. Peter Lockemann | Institute for Program Structures und Data Organization |
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics | ||
Management of Complex IT-Systems | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumair | Institute of Telematics / Steinbuch Centre for Computing |
Computer Graphics | Prof. Dr. Alfred Schmitt |
Institute for Visualization und Data Analysis |
Logic and Formal Methods | Prof. Dr. Peter Schmitt | Institute of Theoretical Informatics |
Prof. Dr. Adolf Schreiner | Institute for Program Structures und Data Organization | |
Programming Paradigms | Prof. Dr. Gregor Snelting | Institute for Program Structures und Data Organization |
Programming Systems | Prof. Dr. Walter Tichy | Institute for Program Structures und Data Organization |
Computer Science for Engenieers and Scientists | Prof. Dr. Roland Vollmar |
Institute of Theoretical Informatics |
Algorithmics | Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner | Institute of Theoretical Informatics |
Interactive Systems Lab (ISL) | Prof. Dr. Alexander Waibel | Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics |
Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab | Prof. Dr. Heinz Wörn | Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics |