Software Engineering
Software is the cornerstone of digitization: It is impossible to imagine everyday life without software-based services, and their share in society is rising continuously. New areas of application, such as modern mobility systems, will also present software development with methodological challenges in the future. The study profile covers the methodological and technological competencies to systematically develop, validate and verify complex software systems. In the Software Engineering profile, courses on compiler construction, semantics and verification can also be taken.
Graduates of the "Software Engineering" study profile should possess the methodological and technological competencies to systematically develop and evolve, validate and verify complex software systems. Software Engineering includes competencies in requirements elicitation, modeling in architecture design and programming, testing and formal analysis. In-depth knowledge of programming languages/compiler construction or verification is also helpful, and in many applications even indispensable.
German name: Software Engineering
Designated Speaker / Deputy Speaker: Prof. Ralf Reussner/ Prof. Anne Koziolek
Special competencies acquired in the profile:
- Graduates know advanced methods for software specification, development, evolution and quality assurance.
- They can systematically deal with functional and non-functional requirements and demonstrate compliance with them. They are aware of legal constraints.
- You can deal with economic constraints, plan and control software projects, and apply cross-project reuse techniques.
- You can handle current technologies and tools for software development.
- You know programming language and formal basics of software development.
- The master thesis must be from the subject area of the study profile.
- The roote module Software Engineering (6 CP) must be taken. If the roote module has already been examined in the Bachelor's degree, a further 6 CP from the event list must be taken.
- At least 44 CP from the event list must be taken.
- A total of at least 50 CP from 2. and 3. must be completed.
- In consultation with the profile coordinators, the course "Praxis der Forschung" can be credited in the profile.
V=Vorlesung (Lecture), S=Seminar (Seminar), P=Praktikum (Practical course), Ü=Übung (Practice)
Compulsory block (6 CP) | Course | Module | Partial achievement | CP | Course type |
Softwaretechnik II (root module) | M-INFO-100833 | T-INFO-101370 | 6 | V | |
list of courses (at least 44 CP) | Course | Module | Partial achievement | CP | Course type |
Empirische Softwaretechnik | M-INFO-100798 | T-INFO-101335 | 3 | V | |
Formale Systeme (root module) | M-INFO-100799 | T-INFO-101336 | 6 | V | |
Formale Systeme II: Anwendung | M-INFO-100744 | T-INFO-101281 | 5 | V | |
Fortgeschrittene Objektorientierung | M-INFO-100809 | T-INFO-101346 | 5 | V | |
Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung | M-INFO-100741 | T-INFO-101278 | 3 | V | |
Moderne Entwicklungsumgebungen am Beispiel von .Net (not applicable as of SS 19/ exam last examination of this course: SS 20) | M-INFO-100813 | T-INFO-101350 | 3 | V | |
Multikern-Rechner und Rechnerbündel | M-INFO-100788 | T-INFO-101325 | 4 | V | |
Praxis der Multikern-Programmierung: Werkzeuge, Modelle, Sprachen (not applicable as of SS 19/ exam last examination of this course: SS 20) |
M-INFO-100985 | T-INFO-101565 | 6 | V | |
Requirements Engineering | M-INFO-100763 | T-INFO-101300 | 3 | V | |
Semantik von Programmiersprachen | M-INFO-100845 | T-INFO-101382 | 4 | V | |
Software-Architektur und -Qualität | M-INFO-100844 | T-INFO-101381 | 3 | V | |
Software-Evolution | M-INFO-100719 | T-INFO-101256 | 3 | V | |
Softwareentwicklung für moderne, parallele Plattformen | M-INFO-100802 | T-INFO-101339 | 3 | V | |
Sprachtechnologie und Compiler | M-INFO-100806 | T-INFO-101343 | 8 | V | |
Sprachverarbeitung in der Softwaretechnik | M-INFO-103138 | T-INFO-106239 | 3 | V | |
Web-Anwendungen und Serviceorientierte Architekturen II | M-INFO-100734 | T-INFO-101271 | 4 | V | |
Software-Produktlinien-Entwicklung | M-INFO-105471 | T-INFO-111017 | 3 | V | |
Compilerpraktikum | M-INFO-102665 | T-INFO-105586 | 6 | P | |
Praktikum: Effizientes paralleles C++ | M-INFO-103506 | T-INFO-106992 | 6 | P | |
Praktikum: Software Quality Engineering mit Eclipse (from SS 18 change of title, new title: Ingenieursmäßige Software-Entwicklung ) | M-INFO-103057 | T-INFO-106094 | 6 | P | |
Praktikum: Ingenieursmäßige Software-Entwicklung (change of titel, until WS 17/18 old title: Software Quality Engineering mit Eclipse) | M-INFO-104254 | T-INFO-108791 | 6 | P | |
Praktikum: Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung | M-INFO-100741 | T-INFO-101278 | 6 | P | |
Praktikum: Web-Anwendungen und Serviceorientierte Architekturen II | M-INFO-101635 | T-INFO-103121 | 4 | P | |
Theorembeweiserpraktikum: Anwendungen in der Sprachtechnologie | M-INFO-102666 | T-INFO-105587 | 3 | P | |
Praktikum: Werkzeuge für Agile Modellierung | M-INFO-104893 | T-INFO-109925 | 6 | P | |
Seminar: Continuous Software Engineering | M-INFO-105309 | T-INFO-110794 | 3 | S | |
Seminar Software-Architektur, Sicherheit und Datenschutz (Seminar Daten in software-intensiven technischen Systemen – Modellierung – Analyse – Schutz) | M-INFO-103301 | T-INFO-106579 | 3 | S | |
Seminar: Software Engineering Research and Literature (not applicable as of WS 21/22) | M-INFO-105516 | T-INFO-111092 | 3 | S | |
Software-Test und Qualitätsmanagement (SQM) | M-INFO-106024 | T-INFO-112210 | 5 | V | |
Praktikum: Fortgeschrittene Software-Entwicklungswerkzeuge | M-INFO-106023 |
T-INFO-112209 |
6 | P | |
Seminar: Softwarequalitätssicherung und Softwaretest | M-INFO-105895 | T-INFO-111850 | 3 | S | |
Edge-AI in Software- und Sensor-Anwendungen | M-INFO-105333 | T-INFO-110819 | 3 | V | |
Automotive Software Engineering (ASE) | M-INFO-106019 | T-INFO-112204 | -- | Ü | |
Automotive Software Engineering (ASE) | M-INFO-106019 | T-INFO-112203 | 4 | V | |
Praktikum: Web-Anwendungen und Serviceorientierte Architekturen (II) |
M-INFO-101635 | T-INFO-103121 | 5 | P | |
Software Security Engineering | M-INFO-106344 | T-INFO-112862 | 3 | V | |
Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems | M-INFO-106626 | T-INFO-113349 | 3 | V |