User Information

General Information
- The Faculty Library of Computer Science is connected to the lending system of the KIT Library. All KIT members (students, staff members) with a valid library account of the KIT library may borrow books. If you do not yet have a library account, please contact the information desk in the new KIT Library South building on the ground floor (service times: Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm).
- Loans and returns of books and media from the Faculty Library are only possible during the opening hours on site in building 50.34 (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9 am - 5 pm, Wed 9 am - 2 pm).
- The Login to your acccount on the website of the KIT Library allows you to retrieve online any information or perform any activity related to your account (account information, statement of account, lump sum extensions, reservations, etc.).
Legal issues
All users are subject to the KIT Library's user and fee regulations:
- KIT Information Supply and Library System Regulations
The regulations regulate the conditions under which the supply of information is organized in the KIT. - Regulations (PDF)
- Schedule of fees (PDF)