A Crowning End

Faculty celebrates its graduates on Computer Science Day

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the KIT Department of Informatics celebrated Tag der Informatik. This year, more than 200 graduates and many doctoral candidates accepted the invitation and were ceremoniously bid farewell with a certificate of congratulations in the packed Audimax lecture hall on the KIT campus.

At the beginning of the evening, the Dean of the Department, Prof. Bernhard Beckert, presented the highlights of the past academic year. In addition to many successes and newly acquired research projects, he also reported on outstanding prizes for young scientists. He also sees exciting times ahead for the faculty. With the English Master's degree course in Computer Science, which is due to start in the summer semester of 2025, the faculty is now positioning itself more internationally. Looking at the current pfofessoral appointment procedures, the trend towards growth is likely to continue in the coming years.

Another highlight of the program was the alumnus report, which was given this year by Dr. Sebastian Labitzke. Mr. Labitzke reported on his career, which took him from KIT to several positions in the business world and finally to management. He also gave the graduates many valuable experiences and insights to take with them on their way.

Amidst the many outstanding graduates, there are of course always a few who stand out in particular. Once again this year, prizes for the best dissertation, the best thesis and the best degree in the academic year 2023/24 went to these very special students and doctoral candidates.

We would like to congratulate our award winners:

Award winner Ramy Zeineldin

Prize for the best dissertation
Dr.-Ing. Ramy Zeineldin
Donated by the Erika and Dr. Wolfgang Eichelberger Foundation

Award winner Luisa Gebhardt

Prize for the best thesis:
Luisa Gebhardt, M.Ed.
Sponsored by the Erika and Dr. Wolfgang Eichelberger Foundation

Award winner Lucas Alber

Prize for the best degree
Lucas Alber, M.Sc.
Sponsored by the Foundation for Gifted Students in Computer Science Karlsruhe

We would like to thank the foundations for their support.

Following the academic ceremony, the festive evening ended in a relaxed atmosphere on the forecourt of the Audimax at the computer science summer party. Students had the opportunity to catch up with their fellow students or supervisors. This year's summer party was organized for the first time by the Begabtenstiftung Informatik Karlsruhe.

We wish all alumni of our faculty all the best for their future lives and careers.

Graduates and doctoral candidates can receive access to their pictures taken during the event by contacting absolventenfeier∂informatik.kit.edu.

Impressions of the event can be found here.