Interested in an adventure abroad?
We are happy to provide you with all relevant information in preparation for your application phase and your study abroad with ERASMUS+ & SEMP.
To ensure that your application and subsequent stay abroad are as successful as possible, you should gain an overview of the information on offer at an early stage.
A good introduction to the ERASMUS+ & SEMP adventure are the regular information events organized by the KIT Department of Informatics. These include, for example, the Info2-Veranstaltungen on Ich gehe in's Ausland and Erasmus+ & SEMP. You can also find some recordings of these information events in our YouTube playlist.
As soon as the idea of studying abroad is to be put into practice, it is time to apply for ERASMUS+ & SEMP. On our pages you will find information about the requirements you need to fulfill to apply and how the application process works, as well as information about how to proceed after the application and what the Learning Agreement is all about.
In addition to the pages of the KIT Department of Informatics, you can also find information about ERASMUS+ & SEMP on the web pages of the International Students Office.
Here you can find basic information about ERASMUS+ & SEMP deadlines and periods:
ERASMUS+ & SEMP Outgoing | For the next academic year | Remaining places (in summer semester) |
Application period | December 1st to January 13th of the previous year | June 1st to June 26th of the previous year In the academic year 2024/2025 remaining places will be offered by the KIT! |
Notifications | February of the previous year | August of the previous year |
Places available |
All for the next academic year (Winter semester and summer semester, |
Remaining places for the next summer semester |
Information events | A summary of the exchange information events can be found here. |
KIT students must be enrolled in one of these programs at the time of application:
- Informatics
- Informatics Teacher Education
- Information Systems
Who can participate in ERASMUS+ & SEMP and apply through the KIT Department of Informatics?
- All students of the KIT Department of Informatics who are pursuing a KIT degree may participate in the program regardless of their EU citizenship. Enrollment is required both at the time of application and during the entire stay abroad.
- Note for applicants of the study program Information Systems:
You must decide in advance whether you wish to apply to either the KIT Department of Economics and Management or the KIT Department of Informatics. Simultaneous application to both KIT Departments is not allowed.
Conditions for the application:
- Bachelor:
- Passed orientation exams and you are at least in the 3rd semester
To start your stay abroad you have to fulfill the following conditions:
- Bachelor:
- Completed at least 4 semesters of studying (i.e. study abroad from the 5th or 6th semester)
- Master:
- Application date:
- In the Bachelor: You have the opportunity to apply during your Bachelor's degree, but you will only be accepted if you are enrolled for the Master's program at KIT
- In the Master: The prerequisite for this is enrollment for the Master's program at KIT
- Master students can go abroad from the 1st master semester onwards
- Application date:
During your stay abroad you have to fulfill the following conditions:
- Experience has shown that ideally 25-30 ECTS should be taken abroad in order to have a little buffer for unplanned events.
- The following requirements officially apply:
- At the end of the stay abroad, at least 20 ECTS points per semester must be passed
Of these 20 ECTS, at least 15 - ECTS (about 70%) must be taken in Informatics modules
If you take more than 20 ECTS, the limit of 15 ECTS in Informatics subjects still applies
- At the end of the stay abroad, at least 20 ECTS points per semester must be passed
Note for all applicants:
Students can also participate in ERASMUS+ & SEMP more than once, for example once in the Bachelor's and once in the Master's programme.
Further participation requirements can be found on the pages of the International Students Office.
Knowledge of the language of instruction at the partner university is desirable, but not a requirement:
- Most partner universities expect a B1/B2 level, English often higher: C1. Visit the Mobility Online Portal or the list of our Departments partner universities for more information on expected language levels.
- Language certificate:
- Application to the Department of Informatics:
- A list of acceptable language certificates can be found here
- If you wish to obtain a language certificate, you should contact the Language Center in good time before the respective application deadline to obtain a language certificate
- Application to the partner university:
- Always check with the respective partner university early on which language certificates are accepted by them and which are not. As a rule, they differ from those of the KIT Department of Informatics. You need them after a successful application (=nomination) at the KIT Department of Informatics to apply at the partner university.
- Always check with the respective partner university early on which language certificates are accepted by them and which are not. As a rule, they differ from those of the KIT Department of Informatics. You need them after a successful application (=nomination) at the KIT Department of Informatics to apply at the partner university.
- Application to the Department of Informatics:
You can find the Application Deadlines under Basic Information.
Currently, the KIT Department of Informatics maintains cooperations with more than 40 international universities within the ERASMUS+ & SEMP program.
- Here you can find a list of the currently available places at our partner universities - but without claim to completeness, since changes can always occur (for the available remaining places, please see below).
- An overview of the current contracts with the partner universities as well as further information can be found on the Mobility Online Portal.
- In your application you can indicate a maximum of 5 different partner universities (Desired Mobility) at which you would like to apply for a place. A place can only be indicated once.
- We recommend that you apply for several partner universities in order to increase your chances of success.
- You can then receive an acceptance for each of these places. However, we will try to prioritize from 1st to 5th.
- You will only ever receive one acceptance for one place!
- Some contracts allow the splitting of an academic year, so that one place per academic year can be divided between two applicants,
e.g.: 1 place per 2 semesters or 2 places per 1 semester. - In some cases such a division is not possible. However, you can still apply for only one semester - the place will be forfeited for the second semester in the respective academic year.
In order to participate in the ERASMUS+ & SEMP program, you first have to be selected by your department (Informatics Study Program Service (ISS) of the KIT Department of Informatics).
For further information on who can apply for an ERASMUS+ & SEMP outgoing place at the KIT Department of Informatics, please see Participation Requirements.
Before you start your application, we recommend:
- Attending one of our information events in the winter semester.
- To inform yourself on the website: Please read all relevant sections carefully first!
- Should you still have unanswered, individual questions, write us an email at exchange∂
Application steps:
- Please fill out this application form and submit the completed form. To do this, you must log in with your u-account.
- Please fill out the application form completely and in one go.
- Please do not change your provided student email address (uxxxx∂
- After submitting the application form, you will receive a confirmation email. Also included in the email is a link. Please open this link and log in with your u-account as usual. You are now in the Mobility Online Portal.
- Complete all the necessary steps displayed in Mobility Online Portal to finalize your application.
- From here you can access your application and correct errors until you perform the final operation "Confirmation of completeness of application documents submitted, application finally submitted" (see step 5).
- Make sure that the information is correct (pay particular attention to typing errors!).
- In the Mobility Online Portal you can now also upload all required documents (certificates*, language certificates, letter of motivation, CV, etc.).
- Here too, you can update or upload new documents until you perform the final operation “Confirmation of completeness of application documents submitted, application finally submitted”.
- Please note that you can only upload a language certificate if you have answered YES to the question “Language certificate available” in your master data.
Make sure you only enter language skills that are relevant to the application. So no language skills in e.g. Latin, Arabic, Chinese,... - Letter of motivation:
It is sufficient to fill out this table as a letter of motivation. Save it as a pdf and submit it under “Letter of motivation”. - *Master's students must upload both their Bachelor's and Master's transcripts. Incomplete applications cannot be considered in the further selection process.
- Tip: If you are applying to the partner university, you should also submit both transcripts of records
- Tip: If you are applying to the partner university, you should also submit both transcripts of records
- Once you have filled in all the required fields and uploaded the documents, submit your application by carrying out the final operation "Confirmation of completeness of application documents submitted, application finally submitted".
- From here on, you will not be able to change your application and, above all, the data you have entered. Make sure that the information you have provided is correct.
- Errors can no longer be corrected. Incorrect details can lead to disqualification from the application process.
- In any case, you must complete this step before the application deadline (see: Application Deadlines). Only then will your application be considered to have been submitted on time and will be taken into consideration.
- From now on, the subject coordinators (FK) will be able to view and process your application. An advantage of the new system is that you can be asked to upload incomplete documents again. This means that you will not be eliminated directly. For this reason, it makes sense to submit your application before the application deadline.
- Iteratively, we will now check whether the documents you have submitted are complete. If necessary, you will be asked by the subject coordinators (FK) via the exchange e-mail to upload improved documents again. However, this only concerns the submitted documents and not your personal data/information.
- If you are not contacted by the subject coordinators, your application documents are complete, subsequent steps:
- You will be informed by email of the offer of an exchange place.
- You must bindingly accept or decline the place in the system.
- You decline: Your application will be cancelled and no further place will be offered to you!
- You accept: You will find the further procedure under After the Application.
- If we unfortunately could not nominate you for this exchange cycle, please apply...
- for the remaining places.
- again next year.
You can also submit more than one application, for this go through the above steps for another application.
Who can participate in ERASMUS+ & SEMP and apply through the KIT Department of Informatics?
- All students of the KIT Department of Informatics who are pursuing a KIT degree may participate in the program regardless of their EU citizenship. Enrollment is required both at the time of application and during the entire stay abroad.
- Note for applicants of the study program Information Systems:
You must decide in advance whether you wish to apply to either the KIT Department of Economics and Management or the KIT Department of Informatics. Simultaneous application to both KIT Departments is not allowed.
!IMPORTANT! In the academic year 2023/2024, no remaining places will be offered by the KIT! !IMPORTANT!
If there are any places left, they will be allocated if possible.
Remaining places are only awarded for the summer semester of the respective academic year.
You can submit an application for remaining places in the period from June 1st - June 30th of the previous year. You will usually be notified of the decision as to whether you will receive an exchange place or be rejected in early august by e-mail.
No mobility grant will be awarded for remaining places (EU regulations). Despite the fact that you are not entitled to a mobility grant, programme participants who have been given a remaining place must also complete at least 20 ECTS. However, it is advised to achieve at least 25-30 ECTS. All other benefits of the programme remain unaffected.
Here you will find a list of the currently available remaining places at our partner universities - but without claim to completeness, since changes can always occur.
An overview of the current contracts with the partner universities as well as further information can be found on the Mobility Online Portal.
If you want to apply for a remaining place, please follow the instructions for the application procedure in the section ERASMUS+ & SEMP Application at the KIT Department of Informatics.
The decision whether you will receive an exchange place or whether you will be rejected will usually be communicated to you by e-mail by the end of February.
The decision as to whether you will receive a remaining place or be rejected will generally be communicated to you by e-mail by the end of July.
Before you go abroad, you should:
Attend the information event for selected ERASMUS+ & SEMP applicants to receive further information regarding the Learning Agreement and the application to the partner university. The date, time and place can be found in your nomination letter.
If your application is successful, the International Students Office (IStO) will nominate you at the partner university. You will automatically receive an email from erasmus-out∂intl kit edu, further information can be found on the IStO pages (nomination).
Application at the corresponding partner university: You also have to apply at your partner university!
Please note the respective deadlines.
You will find information about this on the homepage of the selected university and / or you will receive this information by e-mail from the partner university.
Learning Agreement: A Learning Agreement (LA) signed by you and the KIT Department of Informatics must be attached to this application.
Complete information about the LA can be found in the Learning Agreement section.
Further information or documents: Typically, the Learning Agreement is already required with the information about your person, field of study, etc., so that your study plan can be checked on site and, if necessary, corrections can be coordinated with you before the beginning of your stay.
Please send these documents to the partner university on time. If you are sending documents by post, we recommend that you make copies.
Further deadlines and regulations: We recommend that you check the websites of the partner universities for further deadlines and regulations entry to the study abroad.
Detailed information on the exact procedure can be found in the FAQs.
The main document for your ERASMUS exchange is the Learning Agreement (LA). It must be submitted as part of the ERASMUS+ or SEMP application in the Mobility Online Portal.
The LA forms the basis for:
- The recording of the intended study plan at the partner university,
- the confirmation of the extent of recognition by the examiners at the home university,
- the documentation for the funding bodies (EU).
Outgoing students should insert the following information in their LA:
Sending Institution:
Name | Faculty/ Department | Erasmus Code | Address | Country | Contact person name; email; phone |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Informatics | 061 | Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe |
Germany | Christine Glaubitz; exchange ∂does-not-exist.informatik kit edu |
Please keep all documents you submitted and signed by us, as you will need them again at a later date!
- Use this LA.
- At the latest when applying at the partner university, an LA with the following characteristics must be submitted for signature:
- We recommend to take 25-30 ECTS, at least 20 ECTS points per semester must be passed.
- At least 70% from the informatics department.
- Preferably completed digitally.
- Signed by you in the appropriate section Before the Mobility (not During the Mobility).
- Only signed LAs will be accepted!
- Please keep the signed LA as you will need it again in case of changes during your time at the KIT (During the Mobility).
- You can find more information about adjustments to your LA during your time abroad in the section: The Learning Agreement (LA) - During the Mobility.
- Please submit your complete LA to the Informatics Study Program Service (ISS) at exchange∂
- Please submit your complete LA to the Informatics Study Program Service (ISS) at exchange∂
- The processing time for checking and signing the LA at the Informatics Study Program Service is about 14 days.
- You will receive your signed LA by email.
- Answers to many questions about studying abroad and the recognition of examination results can also be found in our FAQ.
- You can adapt your LA during your time at the partner university (e.g. because of time conflicts or other study interests).
- Check with your partner university how long you are allowed to change (alter) your courses (LA).
- The LA must always be signed by all 3 parties: The student, the subject coordinator (FK) of the partner university and the subject coordinator (FK) of the KIT.
- Please always submit the complete, signed document when making changes to your LA. This contains:
- The Before the Mobility section, already including all signatures.
- The changes marked in the During the Mobility section.
- Your signature in the During the Mobility section.
- Documents that are not complete will not be signed!
- Please submit your complete LA to the Informatics Study Program Service (ISS) at exchange∂
- The turnaround time to review and sign the LA is approximately 14 days at the Informatics Study Program Service.
- You will receive your signed LA back via email.
- Answers to many questions about studying abroad and the recognition of examination results can also be found in our FAQ.
- Contact the International Students Office Office for questions about:
- basic instructions,
- exchange programs,
- enrollment,
- Certificate of Arrival and Departure,
- information on funding opportunities & scholarships,
- integration measures,
- experience reports,
- current tenders,
- the Mobility Online Portal,
- etc.
Contact the Study Abroad Team of the Informatics Study Program Service (ISS) for:
After you check the website, you can email us (exchange∂
Consultation hours: If you have specific questions for which you cannot find an answer on the website, you can register for an individual Exchange Consultation.
Contact person at the KIT Faculty of Informatics: Christine Glaubitz, M.Ed (exchange∂ |