Name Title Tasks Phone e-mail room
  Public Relations, Marketing and Events isabel haeuser does-not-exist.kit edu CS 50.34 106
  Leitung Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur (ATIS) johannes theuerkorn does-not-exist.kit edu CS 50.34 005
  Student Support; Information; Processing of Applications; Graduation Certificates and Attestations (Information Systems B.Sc., Informatics B.Ed and M.Ed.); Attestations of Master Profiles petra gruner does-not-exist.kit edu  
M.A. Public Relations, Marketing and Events sebastian schaefer does-not-exist.kit edu CS 50.34 106
Dipl.-Ing. Computer-aided administrative processes thomas griesbaum does-not-exist.kit edu CS 50.34 118
Head of the Department Library +49 721 608-43979 andrea schmidt does-not-exist.kit edu 001.8 (Geb. 50.34)
M.Ed. Transition to University Programs; Exchange Programs; Student advisor +49 721 608-44042 christine glaubitz does-not-exist.kit edu Raum 001.2 (Geb. 50.34)
Dr.-Ing. Course counselling, modularisation officer, support of the examination committees +49 721 608-46282 ioana gheta does-not-exist.kit edu 119 (Geb. 50.34)
Student Support; Updating of Module Handbooks; Information; Processing of Applications; Degree Certificates +49 721 608-48893 lena coerdt does-not-exist.kit edu  
Student Support; Exam Timetabling; Lectures Schedule; Books Central-Administration Lecture Rooms; Information; Processing of Applications; Graduation Certificates and Attestations +49 721 608-43390 manuela mueller does-not-exist.kit edu 107 (Geb. 50.34)
M.Sc. Room management +49 721 608-44204 melina metzig-lotter does-not-exist.kit edu 116 (Geb. 50.34)
Dr.-Ing. Head of management +49 721 608-43761 peter steinhaus does-not-exist.kit edu 121 (Geb. 50.34)
Secretary’s office of the management, personnel accounting, financial accounting +49 721 608-43761 roemer does-not-exist.kit edu 120 (Geb. 50.34)
5 additional persons visible within KIT only.