Information Events of the ISS
Info²: Erasmus+ & SEMP
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Are you applying for Erasmus+ & SEMP for the next academic year or or thinking out doing so later during your studies?
This event provides a comprehensive overview of the Erasmus+ and Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP) exchange programs, which enable students to gain international experience in Europe and Switzerland.
∎ The requirements for applying to the Faculty of Informatics will be discussed, as well as the deadlines and documents required for a successful application.
∎ The application process is explained step by step.
∎ In addition, the various support options and scholarships will be presented.
∎ Furthermore, there will be enough time to ask your questions to the Faculty of Computer Science as well as to the International Student Office (IStO).
You can ask questions in English or German.
This Workshop is relevant for all students in the KIT Department of Informatics who are pursuing a KIT degree may participate in the program regardless of EU nationality.
Informatik Studiengangservice ISS
Fakultät für Informatik
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Am Fasanenegarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: veranstaltungen ∂ informatik kit edu
Interested / Everyone