Info2 - Information for Students of Informatics
The Info2 program is designed to assist all students at the KIT Department of Informatics in organizing their studies and coping with the many challenges of studying computer science. Info2 is divided into an informative video series and a selection of information events.
The Info2 video series are smaller videos (approx. 5 min), which deal with general tips and tricks for coping with the studies. For example, topics such as exam anxiety are discussed, but also methods that lead to better learning success are presented.
In contrast, the Info2 events are a format that addresses set topics in several information events per semester. On these topics, useful information and tips are presented by the ISS team and, if possible, guest speakers from the KIT are invited. After the lecture, a question and answer session is opened where students can voice their concerns and questions about the topics. Thus, these events can serve students as regular meetings outside of lectures, where an exchange between students of different experience from all semesters is created.
The dates of the Info2 events in the current semester can always be found in the calender for information events of the ISS.

A detailed study plan is essential to start each semester well prepared.
Info2 also organises events for international students in this context. For example, the International Student Roundtable (ISRT). This is aimed at international students who have just started their studies at the KIT Faculty of Computer Science. The aim of the ISRT is to provide helpful information and tips for a successful start.
The video series as well as the recordings of the events can be found in the YouTube playlist "Unterstützung im Studium" on the KITinformatics channel.
You can find the recordings of past events in our event archive.

Information on social integration at the faculty and opportunities to connect to fellow students.
Did you miss an interesting event? In our YouTube playlist you will find the recordings of most events.
Detailed resources on counseling services and numerous points of contact.
linkInformation Events of the ISS
At the end of the workshop students will have an opportunity meet with other students who are looking for a study partner/group. This will be held in the room where the workshop takes place.
You can ask question in english or german
Room 131
In this Get-Together you can chat and/or play various board games. This also provides you an opportunity to meet study partners for modules you are taking and/or with whom you can do free-time activities with.
You can chat with others in german or english.
Room -101 (Cellar) …
If you are an international or exchange student enrolled in KIT Department of Informatic, you should attend this even.
Vital information and tips regarding registration, preparation and taking Exams in this semester will be addressed. In addition there will be critical information for students who are completing theirs studies KIT at the end of this semester.
What will be covered?:
∎ Overview of Exams
∎ Exam Registration and withdraw (de-registration)
∎ Preparing for Exams and resources
∎ Procedure/Structure of an exam
∎ Tipps regarding Exams
∎ Withdrawing, transcript of records, etc
There will be several points during the Workshop to ask questions as well as at the end to talk with the peers and ISS Adviser.
The workshop will be held in english, but you can ask questions in english or german.
Room 131 …
∎ whether it is a good idea to write your CV on one page
∎ what recruiters want to read in your cover letter
∎ how to optimise your CV, cover letter and other application documents
∎ How to find your way around the German labour market and what special features you should be aware of
∎ where you can search specifically for jobs - from online job boards and career networks to company websites and other, less well-known options
We will then discuss your individual questions! At the end of the training, you will not only know what really matters in your application documents and how to make them convincing, but also how to approach your entry into the German labour market strategically and search specifically for suitable jobs.
On 15 July 2025, we will also be offering the opportunity to have your application documents checked individually online in the second, optional part of the training. Take the opportunity to receive personal feedback!
The workshop will be held in english, but you can ask questions in english or german.
This online-orientation will provide an overview vital information regarding studying in our department and at KIT.
We will discuss and answer your questions regarding studies, modules and what you shoud pay attention to prior to arrival. In addition, we will also share information about Karlsruhe, resources and for finding accommodations.
You can ask questions in english or german.
The workshop will be held in english, but you can ask questions in english or german.