Info2 - Information for Students of Informatics

The Info2 program is designed to assist all students at the KIT Department of Informatics in organizing their studies and coping with the many challenges of studying computer science. Info2 is divided into an informative video series and a selection of information events.

The Info2 video series are smaller videos (approx. 5 min), which deal with general tips and tricks for coping with the studies. For example, topics such as exam anxiety are discussed, but also methods that lead to better learning success are presented.

In contrast, the Info2 events are a format that addresses set topics in several information events per semester. On these topics, useful information and tips are presented by the ISS team and, if possible, guest speakers from the KIT are invited. After the lecture, a question and answer session is opened where students can voice their concerns and questions about the topics. Thus, these events can serve students as regular meetings outside of lectures, where an exchange between students of different experience from all semesters is created. 
The dates of the Info2 events in the current semester can always be found in the calender for information events of the ISS.

Study Planning

A detailed study plan is essential to start each semester well prepared.


Info2 also organises events for international students in this context. For example, the International Student Roundtable (ISRT). This is aimed at international students who have just started their studies at the KIT Faculty of Computer Science. The aim of the ISRT is to provide helpful information and tips for a successful start.

The video series as well as the recordings of the events can be found in the YouTube playlist "Unterstützung im Studium" on the KITinformatics channel.

You can find the recordings of past events in our event archive.


Information on social integration at the faculty and opportunities to connect to fellow students.

Hintergrundbild KIT

Did you miss an interesting event? In our YouTube playlist you will find the recordings of most events.

Advising and Resources

Detailed resources on counseling services and numerous points of contact.


Information Events of the ISS


International Student Check-in & Trouble Shooting

Thursday, 08 May 2025, 17:45-19:15
Building 50.34
Raum -101 (Cellar) & Zoom

This International Student Roundtable (ISRT) is for all international students.

KIT's Department of Informatics will jointly facilitate this event with International Students Office, Welcome & Integration Team.

This ISRT event serves as a check-in for international students and provides support with organizational and academic questions. The goal is to make your transition easier and to address any open questions.

At the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to engage with other students and the ISS advisor to discuss and clarify any remaining concerns.

This event is particularly relevant for international students enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s program at the Faculty of Informatics at KIT.

The workshop will be held in english, but you can ask questions in english or german.

Informatik Studiengangservice ISS
Fakultät für Informatik
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Am Fasanenegarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: veranstaltungen does-not-exist.informatik kit edu
Foreign Students