KIT Student Teams Very Successful in Programming Competition
Paul Jungeblut
- date: 06.07.2022
KIT Student Teams Very Successful in Programming Competition
KIT team Tzatzikitartare has won the GCPC 2022 contest. With eleven of 13 solved tasks, they successfully prevailed against the strong competition. In total, nine teams started very successfully for KIT.
The annual German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC) took place on June 25 2022. The aim of this programming contest is to solve as many of the set tasks as quickly as possible within five hours while each team of up to three students has only one computer at its disposal. In addition to good programming skills, a talent for teamwork and organization is also required.
This year, the three computer science and mathematics students Ilia Bozhinov, Christian König, and Yidi Zang from KIT were the best at this. They secured first place as the only team with eleven solved tasks, giving KIT its first victory since 2017. Second and third places went to teams from the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, with which KIT has been cooperating closely in education for two years.
- 1st place: Tzatzikitartare
- 8th place: [kœri]
- 10th place: KillIT
- 33. place: MosKITo
- 36th place: Albert_Zweistein
- 41st place: 1and1
- 56th place: SeaStarCed
Unfortunately, the Kindergarten Timelimit team was unable to participate due to illness. However, they solved nine tasks from home, which would have been enough for 4th place.
Complete list of results.
The good results make us confident for the next round of the competition. This year's Northwestern European Regional Contest (NWERC) will be held in November in Delft, the Netherlands. KIT will be represented by two or three teams to hunt for medals there.