Top 4 Placement for KIT Computer Science in the Current Ranking of WirtschaftsWoche

KIT Continues to Be Among the Most Renowned Universities for the Subject of Computer Science

Since 2009, KIT has been among the top 5 German universities for computer science in the annual ranking of the magazine WirtschaftsWoche. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that also large international technology companies such as Google were interested in the talents from Karlsruhe. This is also true for Max Vogler, meanwhile software developer at Google, who describes his studies at KIT as demanding but with a lot of freedom in an interview with Wirtschaftswoche. During his time as a student, he learned to think independently and to fully recognize and solve problems. These are important experiences that will also accompany him in his professional life.

You can read the entire report here:

On behalf of WirtschaftsWoche magazine, a consulting firm surveys human resources managers every year, primarily at larger corporations but also at smaller and medium-sized companies. The results of the survey reflect the HR managers' assessment of which universities train their graduates best for the needs of the companies, which criteria are important for the selection of an application and in which soft skills the HR managers would like to see more commitment from the universities with regard to the training of students.