

Welcome Event for Doctoral Researchers

Montag, 17. März 2025, 17:00-19:00
Seminar room A+B, Bldg. 30.95

Have you just started your doctoral research period? And would like to know more about the services offered at KIT for doctoral researchers? Then come and join other German and international KIT PhD students at the welcome event for doctoral researchers. In a presentation, we will give you plenty of information on how to best profit from the doctoral research period (including information on research stays abroad and services offered at KIT). In addition, there will be two brief testimonials by more advanced fellow researchers. They will share their experiences with you concerning doing the PhD at KIT and will be happy to answer your questions. At the end of the English-language event, there will be time for some networking during a get-together involving snacks and drinks.

We would in particular like to welcome those who have recently started their doctorate – however, the event is open to all German and international KIT doctoral researchers.

The Welcome Event takes place four times a year.

Jutta Klein-Hitpaß
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-46209
E-Mail: jutta klein-hitpass does-not-exist.kit edu
Die Anmeldung war nur bis 12.03.2025 23:00 Uhr möglich.

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