News I News Archive

Prof. Dr. Nadja Klein has been awarded the Emerging Leader Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS), a prestigious recognition of her contributions to the field of statistics. [12.03.25]
Kindergarten Timelimit secures bronze in EUC programming competition at European level. [06.03.2025]
Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT) and Klaus Stierstorfer (University of Münster) receive Reinhart Koselleck project for the critical analysis of energy transition models and their impact. [27.02.25]
TECO's Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) is a partner of the Euro HPC JU project HammerHAI and brings many years of experience in data-driven innovation, trustworthy AI and embedded AI as well as the use of data-based methods in SMEs. [12.12.2024]