Internatiol Student Office / Porapak Apichodilok

News I News Archive

Professorin Nadja KleinNadja Klein
Nadja Klein has been awarded the COPSS 2025 Emerging Leader Award

Prof. Dr. Nadja Klein has been awarded the Emerging Leader Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS), a prestigious recognition of her contributions to the field of statistics. [12.03.25]

Team Kindergarten Timelimit beim EUCKIT
With "D" to the medal

Kindergarten Timelimit secures bronze in EUC programming competition at European level. [06.03.2025]

Professor Veit hagenmeyerAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Understanding the energy transition: How models shape the future

Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT) and Klaus Stierstorfer (University of Münster) receive Reinhart Koselleck project for the critical analysis of energy transition models and their impact. [27.02.25]

Logo des Projekts HammerHAIHLRS Stuttgart
HammerHAI to build AI Factory for science and industry

TECO's Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) is a partner of the Euro HPC JU project HammerHAI and brings many years of experience in data-driven innovation, trustworthy AI and embedded AI as well as the use of data-based methods in SMEs. [12.12.2024]



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